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Common Bad Breath Causes And Remedies

Bad breath or halitosis is a problem that plagues 1 in 3 people around the world. It brings with it embarrassment, and shame and in some cases social ostracizing and can be a difficult problem. Some people also have Halitophobia, which is the fear of having bad breath.


There are common causes of bad breath, with 80 – 90 % originating from the mouth, and there are some easy to use bad breath causes and remedies that anyone can use straight away.


Commonly, the most fundamental cause of bad breath is anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that grows in environments that are lacking in oxygen) that lives in the mouth. It is the waste products that are produced by the bacteria in the mouth are sulfur compounds, and it is this unsavory waste product that is generally at the cause of most bad breath problems.


Dentists categorize these compounds as “volatile sulfur compounds” (VSC’s). This is extremely volatile compounds which evaporate instantly, which is why the smell is so sudden. Other waste products can also produce their own offensive smell including:


  • Cadaverine – the smell associated with corpses.

  • Putrescine - the fouled odor you smell with rotting meat

  • Skatole - the smell of human fecal matter.

  • Isovaleric Acid - the smell you get from sweaty feet.


Most of the time these compounds are not detected by others as they are at such low levels. It is when the balance between all the different species of bacteria is lost that the quality of a person’s breath suffers.


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There are a lot of causes and remedies of bad breath, but here are a few of the more common ones:


Food particles in the mouth: food that collects between the teethes two effects.

Firstly, bacteria in the mouth feed off the food particles in the mouth, producing waste and that bad smell. Secondly, food that is left lodged between the teeth can start to rot, also cause an offensive smell.


The best remedy for both these scenarios is to floss after every meal. Also, to restore the pH balance in the mouth, stopping bacteria from reproducing you can brush fist with baking soda, then toothpaste. This is a lot more effective than mouthwash as the alcohol in most mouthwashes also help the bacteria to grow, and have a measurable effect on the cause of bad breath.


Tooth decay - decaying teeth is what bacteria love to feed on, and the effect with its waste occurs. Make sure that you get your teeth and gums checked regularly.

Smoking - Nicotine, and tar have one effect in the mouth, and that is to cause bad breath.


Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco. These products stay in the mouth and cause very bad breath, as well as it will stimulate tooth decay.


Severe dieting - It is not commonly known that this will cause bad breath, even though were aware of other problems that can happen from severe dieting. A fouled odor is called ketoacidosis and is caused due to prolonged starvation.

Garlic and onion are well-known factors. However, there is also a correlation between bad breath and protein as some people are allergic to certain proteins. Bacteria also love to feast on proteins.


Finally, there is a connection between the amount of coating on a person’s tongue and the number of anaerobic bacteria. And, when the number of bacteria is reduced on the tongue, the better a person’s breath will smell.


So, a simple and effective remedy for getting rid of bad breath is to ensure that you always clean the tongue when you brush your teeth.


Following these simple causes and remedies of bad breath will help to give you a fresher breath and to feel much less embarrassed about your breath when you are near other people.

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